Your Customer Journey

This page is here to show you the step-by-step process you will go through to begin your journey.
Congratulations on taking the first step towards a better IT System.
We have shaped this process over the last 10 years to make the transition as easy and pain free as possible, which is why we guarantee no unscheduled downtime during your switch.
STEP 1 – Discovery Workshop
We listen to your IT issues and provide a clear plan to address them using our tried and tested solutions.
STEP 2 – Your Solution Design
We have listened and created you the best solution to address your issues and needs as a business. As we build your package, we will show you costs and options so you can tweak the proposal to suit your needs and budget.
STEP 3 – Proposal & Approval Meeting
In this meeting, we will present to you, your solution proposal. We find that having the key people in this meeting means we can ensure the best possible solution for your business.
STEP 4 – Pre-onboarding Session
Congratulations, you have signed off working with Computer Care.
This is our project planning meeting, where you will meet your technical onboarding resource and set key dates for the next steps in the process.
At the end of this meeting you will receive your welcome pack, explaining everything about your solution, how to contact us, what happens next, agreed dates and the project plan.
STEP 5 – System Provisioning
This is where we will build your solution. This means we set your business up on our systems. Depending on what’s included in your package, this could take up to 2 weeks.
STEP 6 – Health Check & Initial Deployment
Your technical on-boarding manager will come to your offices (remote if you prefer) and perform a health check of your systems. They will then select around 4 machines to deploy our agent to. We do this to ensure there are no side effects, and to understand any unique challenges you may have.
STEP 7 – Full Deployment
Once we have verified your systems are all working well with our agent, we will move to fully deploy. This step can take up to a week to complete, depending on the solution package.
STEP 8 – Service Desk Handover
Now that you are fully onboarded with us, our service desk team will take over supporting your staff.
Your technical onboarding manager will still be available to the team should they be required. They will also be providing the service desk with site documentation and knowledge base articles to make the process as seamless as possible.
STEP 9 – Initial Service Review and CIP Meeting
One of the reasons we are so good at what we do is our Continuous Improvement Plans and Quarterly Business Review meetings. In this initial review meeting, our service delivery manager will show you your own personalised CIP. They will capture tasks that have been highlighted by the health check and onboarding process and walk you through the process of addressing these in the longer term.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can help you on the journey to better IT.
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