
Cloud Data Centre

There are several advantages to placing your servers off-site in one of our state-of-the-art data centres.

The air-conditioned environment is carefully controlled to optimise server performance, with provisions in place to minimise the risk of fire and security breaches. Guaranteeing uninterrupted power and internet connection.

The allocation of server space enables you to scale up or down, only paying for what you use.

What does this service do for my business?

Provides a safer environment for your servers.

Unlike office space, Data Centres are designed to keep servers happy by:

  • Maintaining a clean environment at optimum temperature and humidity.
  • Providing a constant, stable power supply.
  • Minimising the risk of fire.

This is the ideal environment for your servers.

Why do I need this service?

In addition to the environmental benefits, Data Centres offer some significant business benefits.

Fast, guaranteed internet access will speed up your operations, ISO27001 compliance will ensure your data remains secure.

The flexible use of virtual servers means you don’t have to buy a server with future use in mind.

You can just pay for what you need and scale up as your requirement increases.

How is this service delivered?

Keeping your server off-site is simple.

We will take care of the arrangements and make sure that your contract gives you the appropriate server capacity for your business.

Access to your server will be restricted only to those you authorise.

From a user perspective, the only differences you will notice are enhanced server performance and an absence of downtime due to power or internet failure.

What are the added benefits?

Our Data Centres are highly secure, in fact, they are ISO27001 compliant.

Access to our cabinets restricted to authorised staff only.

They are connected to more than one point on the grid and have their own backup generators to guarantee against power failure.

They have fast, resilient internet connections.

Data Centres enable a more flexible, cost-effective purchase of capacity.

Investing in our hybrid working solutions is the smartest decision you can make to improve the future of your business.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can help you improve productivity and reduce costs.

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